One Year in A New House

Wow! I can't believe that it's almost been a year since we moved into our first house! The first thing that comes to mind is I'm really bad at this blogging thing! :) The second is that it's not how I expected to spend my first year in the house. Shortly after moving in I hurt me knee at work. Since then it's been physical therapy and surgery. Yet still my knee hurts. I'm 3 months post surgery and the doctor is now talking about more surgery. :( He's giving it one more month to heal before going back in. So needless to say Sean has done lots of work on the house and I have supervised. I really want my knee to be healed so I can get on with my life! I know God has a reason for all of it but it's still very hard not to be frustrated with it.

The other thing I didn't expect was having my mom live with us. Her house became unlivable last August and so she moved in with Sean and me. To say it's been difficult would an understatement. I love my mom and we are very close but having her live with us is challenging. Especially when her bedroom is right across from ours. I really want to ask her to live with one of my other siblings but I'm afraid that will hurt her feelings. I think I'm getting past that though due to my GREAT desire to have alone time with my husband! I guess we just need a break.

I still marvel at the wonderful house we have for a 1st time house! I never would have imagined buying a new construction the first time around. God is good! I'll have to post some before and after pics of it from last June to this year a little later. Hopefully this next year I'll be better about writing. ;)


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